Monday, July 27, 2009

and then there was one . . .

so, i've decided to retire pointshootenjoy (my personal photography blog) for now because i just wasn't keeping up with it like i wanted to. i thought about opening it up for submissions (like i just did for my seewhereyoustand blog) or having it be a bank of great inspiration photos from the net, but that's what i use my google reader for - and let's be honest, no one needs another ffffffound blog. can you say 1000+, sheesh. plus, for how few and far between my photo posts were i figured i could just start featuring them here, so that's the plan until further notice. until then, if you really can't get enough of my random photos, add me as a contact on flickr!

logo above was made for me by levi :)

1 comment:

rachel best henley said...

i really love the new logo!

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