karen just posted a link on twitter that reminded me of this creepy but fun piggy bank my grandfather used to have. i loved messing with it when i was a kid. happy memories :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
grandaddy's piggy bank
Thursday, March 25, 2010
why do i have so much stuff?
sooo the house we've been renting will soon be for sale. live there while it's on the market, extend lease a few months or get out now? so many choices, none of them ours. just have to wait and see - which is not my strong point. i'm more of a "let's go home and pack right now" kind of girl. why delay the inevitable? if i can't keep it, i don't want it.
i was initially devestated when we found out we had to move from our adorable rental, but now i'm excited to find a new place we can decorate & make our own. that's the funnest part for me anyway. what neighborhood will we be in? what color is the house? how many rooms? is there a porch or garden? so many possibilities.
but the packing, my god the packing! how did i get so much stuff!?! 27 years young and i already have enough to fill a whole house on my own, not to mention all of sean's stuff. before we move i need to look at every single thing i own and ask "do i need this? did i use/wear this within the past 12 months? would i care if this went missing?" if the answer is no - it's gone.
fun times are ahead, but until then i just have to wait. and try not to start packing.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
my so called life
i had been eyeing it for months and finally bought the complete series of my so called life on dvd recently. wish i was in bed [with jordan catalano] watching it right now.
Monday, March 22, 2010
retro fun photo shoot & video
50's from Mark Hubbard on Vimeo.
this video "50's" by Mark Hubbard is seriously so cute & well done. with the perfect song selection i might add. it also features the ever awesome jack "diablo" twatchman looking uh-dorable in get ups from clothing warehouse for a recent photo shoot by local photographer ezra marcos. more details of the retro fun photo shoot are on his blog.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
french beatboxing
how fun! incredibox.fr lets you create your own beatbox tune by adding cute little french guys to the screen & assigning them a beat or vocal from the menu below. once you get your groove going they offer up bonus interludes like the "anchor" one pictured above. enjoy!
from vsl
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
my other dog is a capybara
capybaras are the largest rodent in the world, very gentle and my favorite exhibit at the jax zoo. i wawnt one!
Monday, March 15, 2010
to do: be original
a few weeks ago i half-jokingly came up with the idea to tattoo an emtpy to do list on my arm since i'm always writing on myself to remember things to do, to buy, to bring home, etc. then i found these temporary to do list tattoos. bummer, i thought i was being original! i also came across this to do list coffee mug. coffee + to do list is all you need to start your day. genius.
Friday, March 12, 2010
drawings by craig frazier, words by me
i came across the website drawords a while back and submitted a caption for one of the photos. months later the artist/author craig frazier emailed me to say he'd like to inlcude my words in the book! got my copy in the mail yesterday, mine is one of the "almost selected" entries on page 46. see the comic above, my caption was "gary liked his suits to fit like a glove" haha, but some of the other entries are waaay funnier like "it was his favorite suit, hands down" or "frank's closet was full of hand-me-downs". however, i don't really get the one he chose "lee boschen, inventor of the original clapper, looking for his watch" huh?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
guinness book of world records
2010 Winner of Cutest Boyfriend Ever is Sean Collins.
photo by jeff harrington
new she & him
click here to see the video for in the sun. can't wait to see them in savannah on the 27th!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
dinner & a movie
every wednesday this month, dine at one of the participating restaurants above & get bogo movie tickets from 5pts theatre when you show your meal receipt! genius.